"Knights of the Unsound Table"

Films: The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)

Alias: Morgana Le Fay, the Mortes Milles demons

Type: Mystical

Location: Eldritch Location/Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of average humans.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: Oi vey, it was inevitable that we would confront one of those films where you look at the poster and just know in your heart that there was very little faith in the end product. Only the mind of...wait a second, Joe Cornish? Joe "Attack the Block" Cornish?! Perhaps this won't be so bad after all. We blame bad marketing for those previous statements.

History: One day, a young boy and his friends carelessly pulled out a sword in a construction site. What they didn't know was that it was indeed the mystical sword Excalibur, and they had just awakened someone straight out of Hell. That of course being Morgana le Fay, the archenemy of King Arthur. With her army of undead demons at her beck and call, she set her sights on London and then England in the hopes of burning it to the ground and destroying Arthur's legacy. Luckily, the ancient wizard Merlin comes to the boy as a teenager (he can do that, yes), and basically tells him that if he doesn't use Excalibur on Morgana in four days before a solar eclipse, she's going to be unstoppable. Very reassuring, sir.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: After seemingly killing Morgana with Excalibur, the boy and his friends realize that they only wounded her due to the former not embracing the old Code like he thought he did (a whole thing about being bitter at his family). After reconciling with his mom, he returns to lead the whole school into fighting the armies of demons. It ends with him slicing off Morgana's head with the sword.

Powers/Abilities: Morgana is a master of magic, and can even turn herself into a fire-breathing snake demon. Her armies are also invisible to anyone who is not knighted by Excalibur.

Weakness: The demons can be taken out by heavy artillery. Morgana requires Excalibur and a truthful follower of the Chivalric Code.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-Admittingly, an army of fiery undead warriors is bad enough, but them being led by a fanatical sorceress that feeds off negativity is worse. Morgana is an utterly despicable person, and seeing her come after the heads of children just makes her even worse. Still, any army that can be defeated by a whole school's worth of kids should probably think about that for a bit.

Trivia: -In the original Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay is actually quite ambiguous in her morality. Earlier texts actually depict her as a rather benevolent witch, perhaps even a Goddess. But as the times went by, she became known for being a very unpredictable character, either helping the protagonists or scheming to destroy King Arthur.

-Morgana was played by Rebecca Ferguson, who gained prominence for her role in the 2013 miniseries "The White Queen", as well as several other successful roles in films like "The Greatest Showman" (she's got one Hell of a singing voice) and "Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation".

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